In verband met de verkiezingen van 5 oktober 2016 voor de leden van de Staten van Curaçao, heeft de Minister-President, de heer B.D. Whiteman, heden zijn ontslag en dat van de overige Ministers en van de Gevolmachtigde Minister aangeboden aan de Gouverneur, mevrouw L.A. George-Wout. De Gouverneur heeft de Minister-President laten weten dat zij de ontslagaanvraag in beraad houdt. Daarbij heeft zij de bewindslieden verzocht zich te blijven belasten met hetgeen in het belang van Curaçao noodzakelijk moet worden geacht en met haar te blijven samenwerken totdat op de ontslagaanvrage is beslist.
Willemstad, 4 oktober 2016
En konekshon ku elekshonnan pa Staten di Kòrsou, di 5 òktober, Minister-presidente, señor B.D. Whiteman, a entregá awe su retiro i esnan di e otro Ministernan i di Minister plenipotensiario na S.E. Gobernador di Kòrsou, señora L.A. George-Wout. Gobernador a partisipá Minister-presidente ku lo e tene e petishon aki den deliberashon.
Gobernador a pidi e Ministernan i Minister plenipotensiario pa nan keda enkargá nan mes ku tur lokual ta ser konsiderá di ta den interes general di Kòrsou i keda koperá ku n’e te na e momentu ku tuma desishon riba e petishon di retiro.
Willemstad, 4 òktober 2016

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On 4 November 2013, Lucille Andrea George-Wout was appointed Governor of Curaçao on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers of Curaçao and with the approval of the Council of Ministers for the Kingdom.

Ms George-Wout was born in Curaçao on 26 February 1950 and is married to Herman S. George. She trained as a youth and community outreach worker at the Catholic school of social work in Sittard and worked in this field in Curaçao from 1971 to 1980.

Ms George-Wout has held a variety of political positions, including serving as a deputy in the Island Council of Curaçao and President of the States of the Netherlands Antilles. Her most recent political position was Minister of the Interior, Employment and Social Affairs of the Netherlands Antilles in the third Pourier government.




Welcome to the website of the Governor of Curaçao.

Since 10 October 2010, Curaçao has been an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, like Aruba and St Maarten in the Caribbean and the Netherlands in Europe. In each of the Caribbean countries in the Kingdom, the King is represented by a Governor. As head of the government of Curaçao, the Governor is a symbol of unity within the Kingdom. The Office of the Governor helps the Governor exercise her tasks and powers effectively.

This website provides information on the Governor’s work, responsibilities and tasks. Speeches and important news items concerning the Governor are also posted here. The information and photographs will give you an impression of what the Governor does. You can also find information on the Office of the Governor, in particular on consular affairs, for example how to acquire Dutch nationality or how to apply for a visa or passport.



The consular affairs section provides information and services to Dutch nationals and to people who do not have, or do not yet have, Dutch nationality. Under certain conditions, Dutch nationals can apply to the Office of the Governor of Curaçao for a national passport, an emergency passport or other travel documents. Nationals of other countries who wish to obtain Dutch nationality can apply to the Office of the Governor to obtain Dutch nationality via the naturalisation procedure or option procedure. Non-Dutch nationals who are legal residents of Curaçao and who wish to travel to the Schengen area can apply to the Office of the Governor for a Schengen visa. For more information on these services, please visit the consular affairs section during drop-in hours or contact the section by telephone.

Drop-in hours are from 09:00 to 12:00, Monday to Friday. During the drop-in hours you can ask questions, have your documents checked or make an appointment to submit an application.

You can telephone the consular affairs section from 14:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.

NB: You must make an appointment to apply for a visa, a passport, the naturalisation procedure or the option procedure.



De Koninkrijksregering heeft bij algemene maatregel van rijksbestuur van heden de Gouverneur van Curaçao belast met het onderzoek naar de geloofsbrieven van het kandidaat Statenlid dat in aanmerking komt voor de vervulling van de vacante zetel in de Staten. In verband daarmee heeft de Gouverneur de documenten die door de Electorale Raad en de kandidaat voor dat onderzoek zijn aangeboden aan de Staten, opgevraagd bij de Staten. 

Over de uitkomst van het onderzoek zullen de Staten, de Electorale Raad en de kandidaat worden bericht. Als de geloofsbrieven in orde worden bevonden dan kan het kandidaat Statenlid aan de Gouverneur verzoeken om in de gelegenheid te worden gesteld om de eed of belofte af te leggen. De Gouverneur zal daarop bepalen wanneer die gelegenheid zal worden geboden.

Na de eedaflegging zal aan het Statenlid een proces-verbaal van beëdiging worden overhandigd. Vanaf dat moment kan het Statenlid deelnemen aan vergaderingen van de Staten.