The Governor’s powers are conferred on him by law either in his capacity as an organ of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Regulations of the Governos of Curacao) or in his capacity as an organ of the country of Curaçao (Constitution of Curacao).

As an organ of the Kingdom, the Governor protects the general interests of the Kingdom and is responsible for implementing Kingdom Acts, Orders in Council for the Kingdom and international treaties, and for overseeing compliance. In this capacity, he is involved with the public chiefly with regard to the implementation of the Passport Act (issuing travel documents and visas) and the Netherlands Nationality Act (acquiring Dutch nationality by naturalisation or the option procedure).

In addition to these roles, the Governor also represents the King in Curaçao and so is head of the country’s government. The ministers, and not the Governor, are responsible for acts of government and are accountable to the parliament of Curaçao for the Governor’s exercise of his powers.

The Governor opens parliament on the second Tuesday of September every year. Following elections, he initiates the formation of a new government by appointing one or more informateurs (mediators) and a formateur, who is charged with forming a government. The Governor also ratifies country ordinances and country decrees and is responsible for swearing in certain senior officials, such as ministers and members of the Joint Court of Justice, the Public Prosecution Service, the Advisory Council, the General Audit Chamber and the Central Bank of Curaçao and St Maarten. The Governor presents royal decorations on the day before King’s Day every year.

Finally, the Governor is also involved in the process of providing military assistance and extraditing prisoners.


The Office of the Governor is financed from Dutch central government funds. So the central government budget contains a separate chapter on the Office’s annual receipts and expenditures. The Dutch Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations is responsible for managing the Office’s budget and overseeing its operational management, as for the High Councils of State. With regard to the management relationship, the Office can request support from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).

The Office is not subordinate to any government ministry in the Netherlands or Curaçao. Its director and staff are accountable solely to the Governor. The Dutch Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has therefore no substantive involvement in the Office’s work.

This management relationship is laid down in the Offices of the Governors “Finances and Personnel” Order. The Director of the Office reports on financial and management matters to the Secretary-General of BZK.



As per June 1st 2019, Michèle Russel-Capriles was appointed Acting Governor of Curaçao on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers of Curaçao and with the approval of the Council of Ministers for the Kingdom.

Mrs. Russel-Capriles was born in Curaçao on 29 October 1968 and is married to Omar A. Russel and the couple have 2 children. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in the field of International Relations with a special interest in refugee affairs. Upon her return to the island she worked for a few years in the family business after which she entered politics and served as an elected Senator in the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles from 1994 to 1998.

Since then Mrs. Russel-Capriles has dedicated her efforts voluntarily primarily in the fields of arts, culture and healthcare, while serving on the boards of several non-profit and business organizations. For 15 years she served with the Prins Bernhard Cultural Fund for the Caribbean region, the final seven years as its chair. In addition, Mrs. Russel-Capriles has organized many historical and/or art exhibitions and works as a visual artist.